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6 Tricks to Portion Control

Not losing weight like you had hoped? Follow these portion control tips to cut calories.

  • Think about the meal and snack sizes that you are used to. See if you can reduce the amount that you eat and still feel full.
  • Choose less. Have a smaller bowl of cereal, one egg instead of two, half a sandwich instead of a whole, or a single serving snack pack instead of a big bag.
  • Fill up on large portions of vegetables.
  • Before you begin eating, set aside a portion of your meal to save for tomorrow.
  • Restaurant portions can be huge. Save money and eat less by having an appetizer and a veggie side dish instead of an entrée.
  • Know your serving sizes: Baseball = 1 cup cereal, milk or veggies. Computer mouse = ½ cup pasta, beans or sliced fruit.