Our primary care doctors are specially trained to help you manage all of your health conditions and keep you healthy. We provide services for:
- Arthritis
- Allergy and asthma care
- Cancer screening
- Chest and lung disorders
- Cholesterol
- Diabetes management (Type 1 & Type 2 treatment)
- Dental care
- Eye care
- Family planning
- Health education
- High blood pressure treatment
- HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases
- Hormonal disorders
- Immunizations
- Mental health counseling and behavioral health treatment center
- Clinical pharmacy
- OB-GYN including prenatal care
- Primary Care
- Podiatry/Foot Care
- Skin disorders
- Stomach/digestive disorders care
- WIC program and nutritional services
- Weight management
- Radiology including Mammography, Ultrasound, and X-rays
Children & Adolescents
Our pediatric specialists care for babies and children of all ages. We also provide confidential sexual and reproductive care for adolescents 13-21 years old. Our services for children and teens include:
- Asthma care
- Dental care
- Developmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorders
- Family planning
- Flu shots and vaccines for children
- Health education
- HIV and STD testing
- Mental health counseling and behavioral therapy
- Pediatric primary care